Friday, September 10, 2010

Proud Mama

Last night I went to Back to School Night for my FOUR boys. I can't believe that my youngest is in first grade, but he is and I am a proud mama!

Smarty pants! He is tutoring kids in the fifth and sixth grade (he is in fifth grade). He has such a tender heart and is SO good with kids who need a little extra attention. He builds them up! He is learning to play the piano and he is dedicated to that. He is such a GOOD kid, in every way.

Smarty pants! He is ahead in every category. He makes friends so easily! He is always wanting to finish his homework super duper fast so that he can go play with someone, somewhere. He is in scouts and is dedicated to that, and I am proud of him. He is excellent at doing yard work, cooking and taking care of the dog. He is such a SWEET kid, in every way.

The above picture is Kaydon, by Kaydon. Luckily, he calls it Kaydon because recently, he has informed us that his name is DIEGO. He is doing fabulous in math and is making friends. He wrote in his "All about me" papers that his favorite subject is "football," he wants to improve on "recess" over this school year, and this is going to be the best year EVER because "I AM FINE!" Good to know!! He is such a CREATIVE kid, in every way.

Colton is taking this first grade things very seriously. He showers every morning, mostly because he has a girlfriend named Samantha who thinks that he is "hot." He is friends with EVERYONE! Brandon and I have to monitor the amount of phone use, and he is seven! NOT a good sign... He is such a FRIENDLY kid, in every way.

I am SO honored to be these kids' mom. I am SO thankful for the help that I get from my mom and Brandon. I could not do this without them.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Heidi. I know I don't know you as well as I would have liked to, but I always looked up to you and admired you and the mom that you are! We all have our struggles in this life, and I too, have felt like they are almost more than I can bare...but somehow we do it, we survive and we become extremely strong. I am so sorry for your sadness and your heartache. I am praying for you and your sweet family. Please know that there truly are so many of us who love you and want nothing more than the very best for you!! Take care my friend. Love you!
