Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Dear Bubba-
I am not very happy with the realization that you are now almost as tall as me. I used to carry you EVERYWHERE until I couldn't anymore. Now, you carry me. Not because you have to, but because you want to. Your Spirit is SO strong. You are, and always will be, my bubba.
Dear Peanut-
I am pretty sure that I signed your homework list today without you doing your homework... I'm on to you! You are such a good friend to all of the neighbor kids. I am proud of your kindness to them and how you make them feel important. You is the peanut!
Dear Buddha-
You really need to start sleeping in your own bed. You talk a lot and I can't fall asleep because I am too interested in the stories you are telling in your sleep. You forgave me yesterday, finally, for not naming you Diego. Thank you. I love your fauxhawk today. You are one of a kind!
Dear Boogie-
Please, please, please stop whining. Mommy can't deal with it anymore. You have the best smile and I love when you sing. You are really into singing Halloween songs right now and they make me smile. I love you, even through the whining and tears.
Dear Auntie-
I CAN'T wait to hug you this week. I can't wait to hear you laugh and watch you play with your nephews. You brighten us up. We miss you. I can't wait to see you!
Dear L & S-
Bring the GPS... we might have to go to Costco! I can't wait to sit and laugh with you two. Oh, the laughs we will have. XOXO

Signing off

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